EHCC Presented 2024 HCFA Rob Restuccia Leadership Award
The Everett Haitian Community Center is proud to have been presented the 2024 Health Care for All (HCFA) Rob Restuccia Leadership Award! As a key partner of HCFA’s during the MassHealth Redetermination Campaign, the Everett Haitian Community Center (EHCC) helped inform residents of the steps they needed to take to stay covered. That commitment to health equity allowed many members of our community to maintain health coverage throughout the redetermination process. The Award was presented at the HCFA Gala ceremony by Mike Levine, Assistant Secretary for MassHealth. The EHCC is honored for such a precious recognition for its work and services to our community. Here is the speech of the of Rev. Dr. Myrlande Guillaume DesRosiers; Esq. Chief Executive Officer of EHCC delivered to mark this special occasion: